Schlagwort: okkultismus

Love spell

Quick love spell to copy

But only works with women
Would you like to go out tonight and meet a nice man?
No problem!
This effective spell was already practiced in the Middle Ages. Get some fresh mugwort and a red candle.
Place the candle between the two shoes you will be wearing in the evening. Light the candle ...

Medial life coaching

A spiritual new beginning through mediumistic life coaching

The aim of psychic life coaching is to enable you to make a new mental start. It looks for points of attack where you are too easily influenced negatively from the outside. We look for emotional burdens and the so-called energy vampires that dominate your thoughts on a daily basis and cost you unnecessary energy. Everything that pulls you down ...

Fortune telling - far removed from the scientific world view

Sky Dylan-Wahrsagen-Frankfurt: Since ancient times, mankind has referred to the often religious secret knowledge as esotericism. However, this knowledge is only known to a circle of initiates, also known as the inner circle. The origin of the word is defined by the Greek adjective "esoteros", which can be translated as inner, internal or secret.

What is esotericism?

The esoteric ...

White magic - being in harmony with nature

Those who practise white magic feel connected to nature and want to make use of all of nature's powers. Have you heard of the wise women of the Middle Ages who were aware of the fact that nature wants to be a friend of man? Thus, nature offers fruits, herbs and many plant components that . ..