Notes on dealing with magic

Black magic

Epilogue- Learning magic for beginners

Magic is a lot of fun, but it also comes with some responsibility. Most witches and magicians of modern times live by fixed principles. "Do what you want! But don't harm anyone!" Remember, however, that this is exactly what you are doing when you manipulate another person's free will. If you cast a love spell on a particular person, all you will achieve is to live with a lie for some time, perhaps even forever.
You are denying them and yourself any chance of self-realization and of finding true happiness. What you achieve with such a spell is not real, but rather a psychological obsession. If you take a look at junkies and drug-related crime, you will understand why nothing good can come of it. Doing something like this to someone is not love, but pure domination and possessiveness.

Magic must not harm anyone

So please refrain from such plans, however tempting they may seem. If you want to be absolutely sure that your magical practices will not cause any harm, simply add the words "Let no harm come to anyone" to any spell or ritual. Simple but effective, and a method practiced by most witches. This addition would be particularly appropriate when casting a spell for a one-night stand. If only to protect yourself and the other person from possible heartache. (But that's still no reason not to have safe sex!)
If you ask a friend to look after you and then go for a walk on the highway, they'll probably flip you the bird too. Magic works with disembodied intelligences. Treat them with respect and don't abuse them. Otherwise this new friendship could not only break up, but also turn into the opposite. If you would like to experiment a little yourself, you can find some correspondence in the appendix that is important for matters of love. Normally, the more ingredients you use, the stronger the spell becomes ... if it weren't for the problem of stamina and concentration.

Use your energy correctly

If you spread your energy over too much, it is sometimes so little that it is no longer effective. It is therefore better to focus on quality rather than quantity. Of course, everyone is also curious about how long it takes for a spell to take effect. This is also relatively difficult to say. You can use the four elements as a guide: Earth - rigid, immobile (weeks to months); Water - still quite firm in its structure, but more mobile (weeks) - Air (days) - Fire (from instantaneous to a day or two).
It is also important to consider the matter as "done" after the magic! That means: Don't talk about it any more. Don't even think about it anymore! With every doubt you add a "no" to your magic and rob it of its power.
I hope I have been able to give you a little insight into the fantastic world of magic and love magic and wish you every success and, above all, lots of fun.

More articles on the subject of magic

1. basic knowledge of magic
. 1.1 How magic works
. 1.2 Energy build-up and suggestion

2. the magic circle

. 2.1 Drawing a magic circle
. 2.2 Magical clothing and tools

3. charging herbs and items

. 3.1 The magical charging of objects
. 3.2 Attracting love - casting a spell on someone
. 3.3 Ritual for a one-night stand
. 3.4 Banishing lovesickness or pain
. 3.5 Banishing negativity from a relationship
. 3.6 Improving communication in the relationship
. 3.7 Blue bellflower spell
. 3.8 Increasing sexuality in a relationship
. 3.9 Getting rid of an annoying admirer