Find a one-night stand with magic
Precondition: Energy build-up and drawing the magic circle (see above).
Time: Waxing Moon, Tuesday (consecrated to Mars = passion)
Material: A bit of wormwood, a red cloth, a ruby red candle, a white candle for righteousness.
candle for righteousness. (It would be unfair to pretend real love in this case. It will only end in suffering, tears and humiliation); if you want to be attractive to a man: Clove, ginger and cinnamon; if you want to be attractive to a woman: Vanilla, laurel and patchuli; incense utensils, a sheet of paper with the symbol of the scorpion. An accessory (belt, earrings, bracelet or similar) that you would like to wear on the evening in question.
Draw a magic circle. Place all the materials inside the magic circle on your altar. Light the candles and the incense mixture. Then carve the symbol of the zodiac sign Gemini (communication) into the white candle and the symbol of Scorpio (passion) into the red one. Take the wormwood and place it on the cloth, then knot it so that nothing falls out. Hold your hands over the accessory and the bag and let the erotic mood you have built up beforehand flow from your hands into the objects in a red beam of light. Speak 25 times:
"Connect, love me, just one night, then it's done!"
Let the words reverberate inside you and allow the power of your voice to swell further and further until you can really feel their vibrations. Linger for a while with your eyes closed. During this time, you can visualize everything that you associate with a one-night stand.
Don't forget to actually wear the item the next time you go out. Keep the bag in your hand or trouser pocket.
Please remember that you are responsible for yourself when it comes to sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies!
More articles on the subject of magic
1. basic knowledge of magic
. 1.1 How magic works
. 1.2 Energy build-up and suggestion
2. the magic circle
. 2.1 Drawing a magic circle
. 2.2 Magical clothing and tools
3. charging herbs and items
. 3.1 The magical charging of objects
. 3.2 Attracting love - casting a spell on someone
. 3.3 Ritual for a one-night stand
. 3.4 Banishing lovesickness or pain
. 3.5 Banishing negativity from a relationship
. 3.6 Improving communication in the relationship
. 3.7 Blue bellflower spell
. 3.8 Increasing sexuality in a relationship
. 3.9 Getting rid of an annoying admirer